Queste sono le persone più strane che si possono trovare a Chiba Station.
E non sono, direi, così difficili da trovare. Sono piuttosto vistosi.
Dicono di essere intrattenitori, artisti e performer.
Io penso che siano solo perdigiorno e schizzati.
Pensano di essere l'avanguardia artistica di Chiba Station, e dicono che spettacoli, intrattenimento e divertimento siano solo l'inizio della loro vasta gamma di proposte intriganti.
Una cosa è certa: se stai cercando di divertirti, non puoi perderti la loro base, il Black Paradise.
Le voci dicono che se qualcosa di interessante accade a Chiba Station, accade lì.
Fidati, tu... ricorderai ogni notte che passerai lì. Sicuramente non andarci se vuoi solo prendere un whiskey sintetico ed essere lasciato in pace.
Ma forse, il loro aspetto appariscente potrebbe essere un modo per nascondere qualcosa di più oscuro.
Come il fatto che possono prendere qualcosa da te, e restituirtelo amplificato mille volte.
Non so i dettagli. Ti direi di andare a sentire che voci girano su di loro… Il problema è che sono loro a decidere quali voci girano per Chiba Station.
Titolo: One Above All
Motto: Beautiful as an Angel, vengeful as the Devil.
Teaser: "You will love no boss but me". That’s what you say to your recruits. Your words are as magnetic as your eyes. But deep down, you can’t be so sure. You’ve known for a long time that your gang and yourself are doomed to go crazy because of a lifetime of drugs, and you’re about to lose hope. You received an offer a long time ago. You accepted, even if you had your reserves, and you still do. In this world, no one gives anything away.
Neon Demons
Titolo: The Voice
Motto: Pay attention to my words, if you don’t want my voice to be the last sound you hear in this life.
Teaser: You’re the one holding the Celeb auditions. With one gesture, you can end their career. Only the best will have the honor to perform in the Black Paradise. More than once have tried to bypass you. Ah! As if there was someone else on this earth, able to mediate with the two leaders of the gang. Lately, then... A war is on the horizon, and wars are not good for business. Unfortunately, if it continues like this, you’ll have to choose sides.
Neon Demons
Titolo: The Glorious
Motto: It’s stupid to be afraid of falling if you aim for the stars.
Teaser: There is a special pleasure in risking. Not everyone can understand it. An electric charge that crosses your nerves. In the mirror, you do not lie to yourself: you are drugged. What for others is a point of arrival, for you is only the start. Being one of Divine’s advisors is a great honour, but you want more. And you are ready for anything. The risks, after all, are not lacking. You’re dealing with the worst double-crossers there is. But you’re one step ahead of everyone. Always.
Neon Demons
Titolo: The Announcer
Motto: Una partita non si vince finché non si perde.
Teaser: Parlano, parlano, ma alla fine dei discorsi, tocca sempre a te. A te che sei l'unico che sa sporcarsi un po' le mani, nella gang, che si tratti di fluido refrigerante o di fluidi corporei. A te che ne faresti davvero a meno, se non fossi terrorizzato dalle conseguenze. Ma, ogni tanto, il desiderio torna, e tutti quei ricordi sono lì pronti per essere sfruttati.... E' un peccato non poterci mettere le mani sopra. I piani sono altri. Devi trovare ciò che ti serve, o per parecchia gente sarà Game Over.
Neon Demons
Titolo: The Gatekeeper
Motto: Stasera vi voglio tutti meravigliosi!
Teaser: Dietro il Black Paradise girano fiumi di crediti. La responsabilità di gestire tutta la piazza avrebbe dovuto garantirti un certo potere decisionale, ti dicevi. Ma non è mai successo. Tutto il denaro che il locale guadagna finisce nelle mani del Boss, e nessuno si può permettere di discutere come lo spende. Il suo controllo vi sta portando alla rovina: non è più questione di antipatie. Si parla di sopravvivenza. E bisogna essere pronti a percorrere ogni strada pur di sopravvivere.
Neon Demons
Titolo: Pulsar
Motto: Never trust someone who smiles too much.
Teaser: You don’t trust anyone. Least of all yourself, since insomnia started to haunt you, and you started not remembering when you went to sleep at night. But there is no time for personal problems, not now that the show is upon us: nothing can go wrong. You’ve been tracking them for a long time, and you feel you’re close. But it all seems too easy, and you can’t ignore the stench of a trap. Maybe this hunt will get you where you least expect it to be.
Neon Demons
Titolo: Angelspit
Motto: I made a deal with the Devil... and I liked it.
Teaser: Something is brewing. In the NET you came across something unknown and extremely powerful. You can no longer live without thinking about how to unravel this mystery. But you had to abandon S.T.A.Y, since your plan has nothing to do with Megacorp and their futile struggle. You met just what you needed, and you took your place in Neon Demons so you could find out as much as possible. After all, you never get the truth by keeping your hands clean.
Neon Demons
Titolo: Black Hole
Motto: Trust is an illusion.
Teaser: This is what happens when you create a star: it thanks you, makes a big deal, declares itself indebted for eternity... and then goes to fuck your conquest of the evening. Every. Damn it. Evening. Fucking Celebs: They think they’re stepping on you without consequences? Ah, but they’ll learn. You’ve already forced someone to perform with a black eye, but the worst is yet to be seen. Now the game will take place according to your rules, yours and only yours.
Neon Demons
Titolo: Quasar
Motto: There is no rest in this kind of life. You should have learned that.
Teaser: Neon Demons ceremonial guardian: not bad, huh? You can tell people how to behave without all the hassle of who’s really in power. A dream, really, at least before the fucking rookie showed up with the obsession to revolutionize the group. And before a ghost from the past contacted you with a lethal request in exchange for its silence. How many do you have to take out before you can regain your peace of mind?
Neon Demons
Titolo: Meteor
Motto: One to me, one to you. One to me, one to... Oops, you’re dead. I’ll take these, too, yeah?
Teaser: You knew sooner or later you’d be bothering the wrong person. When it happened, you found yourself surrounded by a corporate, and heavily armed bodyguards. A simple request: to get back what belonged to him. Too bad I had already sold it. He offered you an alternative, and you accepted. You are afraid to talk about it: you should admit what you have done. But the desire to find it becomes stronger every day. You gonna keep ignoring it?
Neon Demons
Titolo: Comet
Motto: Dimentica le lande del latte e del miele, vieni con me a Sodoma e Gomorra.
Teaser: La tua vita è stata una lotta continua. La vita da Celeb non è certo facile. C'è chi ha fortuna, e nasce con un corpo perfetto, e chi deve aggiustare ciò che la Natura ha costruito. Ma dopo anni di lotta, ti sei stancato. Se non puoi raggiungere le vette della bellezza, ne raggiungerai altre. Hai trovato l'occasione per cambiare ruolo, e per cambiare vita, ma per partecipare dovrai riuscire a recuperare... ciò che hai sacrificato. Oppure riuscirai a trovare il modo per rubarlo ad altri?
Neon Demons
Titolo: Satellite
Motto: True art is just a fragment of time that fills your heart like an explosion.
Teaser: In this world where nobody gives a shit about anybody, you’ve decided to go against the trend. You protected and defended your family from everything, but now your little brother is overreacting. You don’t know how long you can be the shield while harrising the wrong people lately. Maybe finding the firstborn, or the only one capable of getting some sense back into the reckless one, can be the solution. If only I had the faintest idea where to look for it.
Neon Demons