Oscar - Matthew / Margareth Darcy - [ our goal is ] PEACE #2
Titolo: UN Videomaker
Genere: Unisex
Parole chiave: Blackmail victim, Repressed Anger, Mobbing
Secreted Dossier 9054 - Subject: Video Maker Matthew / Margareth Darcy - Codename: Oscar - Nationality: American. Marital Status: Umarried
They have been the faithful sidekick of the Journalist Coleman /Corinna Brooks for years. They have followed them in all their investigations, from the toys dangerous to children's health, to international drug trafficking, to illegal immigration. Despite Darcy's high quality work, according to many UN communications experts, they have been crucial to the success of the famous anchorman/woman, they also have always remained in the shadows, receiving little or no recognition for their professionalism. According to our psi-ops officers Darcy seems to be showing all signs of a clear desire to disengage from their cumbersome colleague and could use the mission in Bosnia for their own purpose.
The UN Expedition entered the war territory on a specific mission known only to its members. Most of the group is composed of a platoon of Blue Helmets, trained soldiers from various countries, escorting and protecting a group of UN Officials, bureaucrats and leaders of the Organization without any military preparation, each with specific directives from their own Offices. To document the expedition a small group of UN Accredited Media follows the expedition, enjoying the same protection accorded to Officials.