Lima - Asena / Aseno Ozcan - [ our goal is ] PEACE #2
Titolo: UNIDIR General Director
Genere: Unisex
Parole chiave: Power, intrigue, hard-hearted
Secreted Dossier 8831 - Subject: UNIDIR General Director - Codename: Lima - Nationality: Greek. Marital status: unmarried. Immaculate military record. Career performed mainly in foreign / high-risk missions. Promotion chain significantly faster than average. No disciplinary action received. No medals of valor awarded. In every respect, an exemplar Non-Commissioned Officer to take inspiration from. (Addendum: evaluation performed only on the basis of available documents. It was not possible to interview directly the superiors under whom they served. Conducted personal questioning, which revealed high capability of perception and inteligence, situational and emotional understanding. Pending questioning to add these details to the preliminary assessment).
The UN Expedition entered the war territory on a specific mission known only to its members. Most of the group is composed of a platoon of Blue Helmets, trained soldiers from various countries, escorting and protecting a group of UN Officials, bureaucrats and leaders of the Organization without any military preparation, each with specific directives from their own Offices. To document the expedition a small group of UN Accredited Media follows the expedition, enjoying the same protection accorded to Officials.