Bravo - Ivan Makarov - [ our goal is ] PEACE #2
Titolo: UN Sergeant First Class
Genere: Maschile
Parole chiave: Hate vs. Muslims and Journalists, Prone to violence, Ruthless / Unforgiving
Secreted Dossier 1863 - Subject: Sergeant First Class Ivan Makarov - Codename: Bravo - Nationality: Russian. Marital Status: unmarried.
Born in Siberia, he grown up fighting famine and cold. Enlisted at 17, liying about his age. He seems to be very fond of the Army, experienced as a second family. He is a veteran of Afghanistan and Cecenia. During these campaigns he saw many fellow soldiers dying because of Muslim guerrillas and developed a certain hostility toward this religion. The psycological file evidences a strong-willed character, able to make quick and effective decisions even under great stress. On the other hand, the subject has a tendency to use violence to solve problems and to impose leadership through threat rather than authority.
The UN Expedition entered the war territory on a specific mission known only to its members. Most of the group is composed of a platoon of Blue Helmets, trained soldiers from various countries, escorting and protecting a group of UN Officials, bureaucrats and leaders of the Organization without any military preparation, each with specific directives from their own Offices. To document the expedition a small group of UN Accredited Media follows the expedition, enjoying the same protection accorded to Officials.