Romeo - Luis Felipe Gonzales - [ our goal is ] PEACE #2
Titolo: UN smirky armorer
Genere: Maschile
PNG - Secreted Dossier 0245 - Subject: Soldier Luis Felipe Gonzales - Codename: Romeo - Nationality: Spanish. Marital status: unmarried. Gonzales is a Castilian soldier, known to be a good armorer. An expert in ballistics, explosives and all kinds of weapons, he is also a good comrade-in-arms to his colleagues because he is good-humoured and good company. He is totally devoid of any career interest, and is characterized by attracting the goodwill of his companions on missions, due to his friendly and ironic smile and his witty remarks.
The UN Expedition entered the war territory on a specific mission known only to its members. Most of the group is composed of a platoon of Blue Helmets, trained soldiers from various countries, escorting and protecting a group of UN Officials, bureaucrats and leaders of the Organization without any military preparation, each with specific directives from their own Offices. To document the expedition a small group of UN Accredited Media follows the expedition, enjoying the same protection accorded to Officials.