Echo - David Coleridge - [ our goal is ] PEACE #2
Titolo: UN Medical Officer
Genere: Maschile
Parole chiave: Sexual abuse, Physical disability, lack of empathy
Secreted Dossier 2365 - Subject: Medical Liutenent David Coleridge - Codename: Echo - Nationality: British. Marital Status: Married.
He has already experience in an operational theater. In fact, he was posted in Northern Ireland during the clashes between the British Army and the IRA.
It seems that he played a double role: tending not only his fellow comrades but also giving aids to the catholic civilians, opponents of the British occupation/reaction.
But everything changes, after that bomb detonated by IRA terrorism. His comrades all died and he was wounded in one leg. He still limps from that incident when tired.
Since that time he seems to have lost all empathy for his fellows and treats his patients as machines to be repaired rather than as people. To be carefully evaluated.
The UN Expedition entered the war territory on a specific mission known only to its members. Most of the group is composed of a platoon of Blue Helmets, trained soldiers from various countries, escorting and protecting a group of UN Officials, bureaucrats and leaders of the Organization without any military preparation, each with specific directives from their own Offices. To document the expedition a small group of UN Accredited Media follows the expedition, enjoying the same protection accorded to Officials.