Wiebke Zimmermann - The Singularity
Titolo: The Chemist - Altair (Aquila)
When you were younger you started to study medicine, but you soon discovered that the career of a medical doctor was not suited for you. You switched fields and are now the head of the Chemistry Department of the Center. In the last year you worked side by side with the von Neumanns on a small part of their project. They needed in fact a very complex cooling system and you helped develop a powerful gas, perfect for the purpose, but unfortunately very toxic. You started your career hoping to save lives and you ended up developing something so deadly. The gas is located in very safe containers, but, due to your worries, the Center agreed to develop a safety system in case of an unlikely leak. You are now the safety supervisor, and every day you check obsessively all the security measures. It should all be perfectly safe, but you can't get rid of some apprehension.