André Kerner - The Singularity
Titolo: The Scientist from the DDR - Mira (Cetus)
Pronome: he/him
You are a famous astronomer, who works for the Lohrmann Observatory in Dresden, East Germany. You are used to working with old machinery and crap telescopes. Therefore, you had to learn to be a technician too, because no one else knows how to repair such dated technology. You don't complain, you like it, you like to take something that people consider useless and make it work again. There are a lot of old telescopes in the German Research Center for Advanced Studies, but nobody there knows how to use them, not anymore. They call you every time they have a problem with their ancient domes and you have been there several times already. Just ten years ago it wouldn't be so simple, but in the last few years it has become easier and easier to obtain a permit to cross the border. Most of the time you had to work together with the von Neumanns and their absurd requests of alteration of one telescope in particular. The modifications they required make no sense and you still don't understand their purpose, but you have the feeling that finally, during the presentation, all will become clear.